What a fantastic Final we had on August Bank Holiday monday between Batchwood BC and Harpenden BC at Potters Bar BC 

Our thanks go to Potters Bar BC and all their volunteers who offered us a great green-served us well in the tea bar and Bar and made us all feel very welcome and to all the supporters of both Clubs for coming to support their Members.

The game was hotly contested all morning and only decided ón the last few woods put up on two rinks.  Harpenden were the winners by 5 points to 3 points but that does not reflect how close it was.  Total shots were Batchwood 64 & Harpenden 68:   Ends won Batchwood 37 & Harpenden 35.  It could not have been closer.

Well done to BOTH Harpenden and Batchwood for giving us such a fantastic morning of great bowling.

Photographs of the day are below.   Images can be downloaded for private use but if used in the public domain shoulds be attributed to SADBA.

Click on any image to open it full size and enable left and right scrolling.