“Vasen” Two Wood Triples Trophy

“Vasen” Two Wood Triples Trophy 2024

The “Vasen” 2-wood Triples is open to (any number of) teams of three from Member Clubs.  Players in each team must be from the same Club. Play is with 2 woods per bowler and is played to 21 ends.

Please text, telephone or e-mail result of match to the Competition Secretary on the date played.

FIRST ROUND –  Tuesday 23rd July 2024

1. WG8 J Earnshaw v PB12 S Jewell
2. NM3 T Atkinson v WG6 K Chamberlain
3. PB18 D Sparrow v BYE
4. B14 J Turkentine v NM2 M Scandrett
5. WD6 M Poole v NM6 A Harman
6. PB6 F Bradley v T2 P Thomson
7. H16 T Redford v HA2 A Langley
8. H9 S Maynard v PB2 D Salmon

 SECOND ROUND – Monday 29th July 2024

9. WG8 J Earnshaw v NM3 T Atkinson
10. PB18 D Sparrow v B14 J Turkentine
11. NM6 A Harman v T2 P Thomson
12. HA2 A Langley v H9 S Maynard

 SEMI-FINAL –  Saturday 3rd August  (extended from 1/8/2024)  (placings as per Draw)

13. 9 v 10
14. 11 v 12

 FINAL   – on Saturday 7th September 2024

15. 13 v 14