What a great day we had at Harpenden Bowls Club on 5th September in hot and brilliant sunshine for the annual Charity Gala with the proceeds going to the President’s Charity SENSE.

24 teams of three were gathered to bowl for the Strofton Trophy with keen competition and fabulous (and not so fabulous!) bowling throughout the day.  Harpenden as ever had a super green that bowled fast and true.

The winners this year was a Harpenden team led by Trevor Tharby, “The Brushes”, narrowly beating “The Three Amigos” from Potters Bar who often figure in the top three.

The full result is:-

1st:”The Brushes”  ( Harpenden BC)
Trevor Tharby – Simon Burgess – John Osborn  (54 points)
2nd : “The 3 Amigos”  (Potters Bar BC)
Barry Woodman – Brian Vince – Mick Brennan (47 points)
3rd: “Coldpaws”  (Potters Bar BC)
Dave Sparrow – Colin Malone – Paul Stevens (43 points)

Our picture shows Trevor’s team receiving the Stroften Trophy from the President Gordon Burrows.  The event raised over £500 for his Charity.

Click on the image below to open up a slide show of few more pictures.

Special thanks go to Brian Burfoot for organising the event and on the day with the support of Michael Woodhams (admin and umpire) and John Bartlett (umpire).  We also must acknowledge and thank Harpenden for their huge support in organising the parking arrangements, a great green, superb food and a bar.  The day could not have been better.