Since 1957 SADBA has existed to:
- encourage and promote interest in the game of Lawn Bowls in the St. Albans and District area.
- promote a two-rink Club Competition between affiliated clubs.
- hold Championships in Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours competitions and any other approved competitions.
- arrange matches between the Association and other Associations, Clubs or Groups.
Affiliation to the St. Albans & District Bowling Association is open to all clubs within a radius of 15 miles of St Albans Market Place and who are affiliated to the Hertfordshire Bowls Association.
You can find out about the Association’s history here.
SADBA Constitution & Rules (As at January 2020)
- Name
The Association shall be called the St. Albans and District Bowling Association (hereinafter called the Association) and shall be affiliated to Bowls England and recognised by the Hertfordshire County Bowling Association.
- Objects
The objects of the Association shall be:
(a) To encourage and promote interest in the game of Lawn Bowls in the St. Albans and District area as defined in paragraph 3 (a) below.
(b) To promote a two-rink Club Competition between affiliated clubs, to be known as the Jones Cup. the Triples League, the Bob Vise and the Club Rink League.
(c) To hold Championships in Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours competitions and any other competitions that may be approved by the Executive Committee.
(d) To arrange matches between the Association and other Associations, Clubs or Groups as may be approved by the Executive Committee.
- Membership
(a) Membership of the Association shall be confined to clubs which reside within a fifteen mile radius of St Albans Market Place and are affiliated to the Hertfordshire Bowling Association.
(b) Any club desirous of becoming affiliated to the Association shall, subject to its complying with paragraph 3 (a) above, make application to the Honorary Secretary who shall place such application before the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
(c) All clubs affiliated to the Association shall pay an Annual Affiliation Fee of such sum as shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee, but in no event shall such fee be less than £5. The Annual Affiliation Fee shall be paid no later than 30th November each year.
- Officers
The Officers of the Association shall be President, Deputy President, Junior Deputy President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Assistant Treasurer, Honorary Competitions Secretary, Honorary Match Secretary and Honorary League Secretary.
- Election of Officers
All Officers of the Association shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall remain in office until the following Annual General Meeting.
- Auditor
An Auditor shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the association and shall remain in office until the following Annual General Meeting.
- Retiring President
On completion of his year in office the Retiring President shall become an Honorary Life Member of the Association and shall be a full member of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year.
- Executive Committee
(a) An Executive Committee consisting of the Officers, Retiring President and one delegate from each Affiliated Club shall conduct the affairs of the Association.
(b) A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of seven members, three of whom shall be Officers of the Association.
(c) Each Affiliated Club delegate shall be nominated by his club and such delegates shall serve on the Executive Committee until the Honorary Secretary is notified in writing of a change in the nominated club delegate. Each Club has the right to send an alternative delegate to any meeting of the Executive Committee. The Honorary Secretary should be notified before the meeting that an alternative delegate will be attending.
(d) The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy arising among its members during the year.
(e) The President of the Association shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee
(f) The Executive Committee shall adopt a policy for the protection of children and vulnerable adults and appoint a Child Protection Contact to administer the policy.The Child Protection Contact shall become a member of the Executive Committee
- Honorary Life Members
Honorary Life Members shall be the Past Presidents of the Association and such other persons as shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Association, upon recommendation from the Executive Committee, having regard to any special services rendered to the Association by such persons.
Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to attend all meetings of the Executive Committee, Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association but shall have no voting rights unless qualified by virtue of their position as Retiring President, an Officer of the Association or a club delegate. Honorary Life Members shall be entitled to consideration for selection in any Association, Shield or President’s Match whether or not he is a member of an Affiliated Club.
- Honorary Secretary and Honorary Assistant Secretary
The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Assistant Secretary shall:
(a) Call Executive Committee meetings at least ten times each year.
(b) Maintain records of all business undertaken at an Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting and Executive Committee Meeting of the Association.
(c) Submit a report of the proceedings of the Association during the year to the Annual General Meeting.
(d) Undertake any other duties as may be agreed with the Executive Committee.
(e) Be paid out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Association.
- Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Assistant Treasurer
The Honorary Treasurer shall submit to the Annual General Meeting of the Association a full account of the income/expenditure/assets for the preceding financial year together with a balance sheet setting forth assets and liabilities of the Association at the closing date of such year. The Auditor of the Association shall certify the income and expenditure account and balance sheet. The Honorary Assistant Treasurer shall assist in the sale of stock and collection of match fees during the year. Out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Association shall be reimbursed
- Constitution and Rules
(a) A copy of the Constitution and Rules of the Association and any amendments thereto shall be sent to the Secretary of all Affiliated Clubs on attaining membership or upon passing of any amendments. All Officers of the Association and delegates to the Executive Committee shall be entitled to receive a copy of the Constitution and Rules on their appointment and a copy of any amendments made thereto during their period in office.
(b) Any amendments or additions to the Constitution and Rules shall be made only at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association convened for such purpose. Any proposed amendments or additions to the Constitution and Rules shall be notified in writing to the Honorary Secretary of the Association one month before such are due to be debated.
- Annual General Meeting
(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of January and the Honorary Secretary shall give fourteen clear days notice to all Affiliated Clubs, Officers and delegates.
(b) A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall consist of three Officers of the Association and at least one nominated representative of 50% of the Clubs affiliated to the Association.
(c) Those eligible to vote at an Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be the Officers of the Association and two representatives from each Affiliated Club, whose name shall be declared to the Honorary Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the holding of such meeting.
In the event of an equal number of votes by those present, a casting vote by the President is an option he may wish to take up on any specific item. If a casting vote is not taken up then the motion fails.
(d) The business of the Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be as follows :
(1) To receive apologies for absence.
(2) To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
(3) To debate any matter arising from the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
(4) To receive the report of the Honorary Secretary of the Association.
(5) To receive the report of the Honorary Treasurer of the Association.
(6) To receive the report of the Auditor of the Association.
(7) To elect the Officers of the Association for the ensuing year.
(8) To discuss any business which, if related to the Constitution and Rules of the Association and any amendments and additions thereto. One months notice shall have been given to the Honorary Secretary, or on any other matter fourteen days notice shall have been given to the Honorary Secretary. Any other matters raised without notice from the floor will only be discussed at the discretion of the chairman of the meeting and there cannot be a vote on any such matters.
- Extraordinary General Meeting
Any Club affiliated to the Association may at any time submit, in writing, proposals to the Honorary Secretary for matters to be placed before the Executive Committee. Any such proposals shall be signed by the President or Chairman or Secretary of the Club. If, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, the proposals are of sufficient importance then the Honorary Secretary shall be directed to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association. The notice calling the meeting shall state the purpose for calling the meeting and no other business shall be conducted thereat. A quorum for an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be the same as defined in paragraph 13(b) above but must include at least one nominated representative from the Affiliated Club making the proposal.
- Association Matches
(a) Each Affiliated Club may submit in writing to the Honorary Secretary a list of members available to play by the declared closing date. In the event of there being insufficient members available the Executive Committee may fill any vacancy by inviting other members to play.
(b) A player may only make himself available to play from one Affiliated Club in each season.
(c) Association shirts and grey or white trousers, as appropriate, must be worn in all Association Matches unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise. A mainly white shower proof type jacket may be worn while playing and when arriving and departing; wearing of blazers and ties on arrival and departure is optional.
(d) Each player shall pay a match fee.
(e) A player being selected to play in his first match for the Association shall be entitled to receive a ‘Colts’ badge upon notifying the Honorary Secretary 48 hours before the match. This shall be issued at the cost of the Association.
(f) A player being selected to play for a third season for the Association shall be entitled to receive a blazer pocket badge. This shall be issued at the cost to the player.
- President’s Matches
The Executive Committee may determine that a certain number of Association Matches shall be called President’s Matches. The total number of President’s Matches shall not exceed 10% of either the total outdoor or total indoor matches. The team for a match deemed to be a President’s Match shall be picked at the sole discretion of the President of the Association.
- Shield Matches
Any Affiliated Club may request, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary, that the President of the Association take a team to represent the Association to play that Affiliated Club at that Affiliated Club’s green. If the Affiliated Club shall win the Shield Match such Club shall be entitled to receive an Association Shield at the next Annual Prize-giving of the Association.
The Association team for a Shield Match shall be picked at the sole discretion and invitation of the President of the Association.
- Competitions
(a) Competitions shall be confined to such clubs as have joined the Association and have paid their Affiliation Fee for the current year. Entries for all competitions must be forwarded to the Honorary Competitions Secretary or other designated officer, with the necessary fees no later than 30th November each year or such other date as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee. No restriction shall be placed on any member of any Affiliated Club playing in more than one competition, but he shall not enter from, or play for, more than one club in the competitions and shall make himself available for Association Matches from the same club. Every competitor shall purchase a Handbook. A team may be entered in one name at 30th November, with the proviso that the players competing in the first match of the competition shall thereafter be known as The Team. The Executive Committee shall determine the entry fees and cost of the handbook annually in August.
(b) The competitions shall be played under the laws of World Bowls and the rules of Bowls England, subject to the Competition Rules, as published in the Handbook, and shall be under the management of the Honorary Competitions Secretary, representing the Executive Committee, who shall determine all questions or disputes that may arise and which do not come within the scope of the Umpire’s duties. If, however, the matters of query of dispute are such that the Honorary Competitions Secretary is unable justly to arbitrate, he shall refer the matter to the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final.
(c) Entry to the ‘The Stan Winters Champion of Champions’ competition shall be restricted to the winners of each Affiliated Club’s Singles Championship for the previous outdoor bowling season and the winner of the previous season’s ‘Stan Winters Champion of Champions’ competition.
(d) Entry to ‘The Steve Howe Officers Singles’ competition shall be restricted to the Officers of the Association, Past Presidents and Honorary Life Members of the Association, Officers of Affiliated Clubs as shall be approved by the Executive Committee and the winner of the previous season’s ‘Steve Howe Officers Singles’ competition.
(e) The draw for the competitions shall be conducted by at least three Officers of the Association under the Chairmanship of the President. The draw shall be published in the Handbook.
(f) Competition semi-finals shall be played on the set date or earlier by mutual agreement as per the draw as shown in the Handbook.All competition finals, subject to sub-section (g) below shall be played on Finals Day which date and venue shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
(g) The Honorary Competitions Secretary shall have the discretion to order that the final of the Jones Cup be played on a day other than Finals DAY.E.G. Bob Vise Finals Day.
- Dissolution of the Association.
A resolution for the intention of the dissolution of the Association must comply with the standard proceedings laid down by the Constitution and can only be carried forward at an Annual or Emergency General Meeting. Those entitled to vote on such resolution must be in accordance with the Constitution of the Association at the time of such meeting.
If the motion to dissolve the Association is carried, then, all debts and liabilities must be first settled in full, any surplus balances, assets, stocks, trophies ,memorabilia etc shall be voted upon and agreed as to their disposal.
M J Woodhams: Honorary Secretary.