First SADBA Final of the 2023 season.

Bob Vise Trophy Final North Mymms v Welwyn & District.  Harpenden hosted this Final and looked after us very well indeed THANK YOU

We were treated to some very sporting bowling by two club sides who were determined to enjoy their day in the sun which stayed shining for most of the morning.

Welwyn & District retained the Trophy so well done to them.

North Mymms put up a gallant fight on all rinks and there were some very exciting heads in all four elements of the competition:  Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours.

Well done to all involved:  you have set a very high standard for the rest of our Finals this year.  Jones Cup Final is on Friday 8th (evening) and all our other Finals are on Saturday 9th September – all at Harpenden BC.

Photographs courtesy of Chris Linfield of Harpenden.  (“clicking” on any of the photos in the gallery below will open them into a slide show format.)

Michael J Woodhams  (Officer in charge on the day)



Once agaIn we look forward to the Annual SADBA Gala day which this year is to be held on Tuesday 5th September at Harpenden Bowls Club and is in aid of the President’s Charity SENSE that helps people with complex difficulties including deaf blindness.

Teams of three are invited to enter and may be all men, women or mixed at a cost of only £15 a team.  Full details of the event and entry forms can be found here:  SADBA GALA POSTER 2023.  All the SADBA clubs have received details and the poster and entry forms should also be available on your Club noticeboard.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our President,  Gordon Burrow or Assistant Treasurer, Brian Burfoot.  Their contact details are shown here:



Our 3rd outdoor match this year was against the St Albans & District Ladies Association (SADLBA) and held at Harperbury BC at 10.00 on Saturday 8th July.   It was a great game and a close result in favour of the men.   The Match Report can be found here:  Result Sheet SADBA v SADLBA 8th July 2023

The outdoor match is against the President’s Own Club, Harpenden, was on Saturday 10th June, with victory to our President.  A lovely afternoon.    The Match Report can be found here:  Result Sheet President v His Own Club 10 June 2023

The first of the District’s outdoor matches was held on Saturday 13th May at Shire Park against London Scottish.  It was a great match played in excellent spirits and with a superb meal to follow.  Well done to Shire Park who hosted the match..  The result was a close win for SADBA.  The Match Report can be found here:   Result Sheet SADBA v LONDON SCOTTISH 13th May 2023



The President’s Invitation Shield Match was held Sunday 22nd January at Hatfield BC.  The invited teams are the winners of the Bob Vise Trophy (Welwyn & District), Jones Cup (Welwyn Garden City), Triples League (Hemel Hempstead) & Club Rink League (Harpenden).  Each team played against a SADBA team with the team with the overall shot difference being the winner.

It was a great afternoon with Welwyn and District taking the honours and Hemel Hempstead in second place.  The winning team was Martin Reeve, Peter Bowyer, Len Tye and Paddy Jones.


For the District,  the President’s side, the top rink was: Ivan Coleman, Nigel Dickenson, Peter Stokes and Alan Harman.

Michael Woodhams, League Secretary, coordinated the match and has provided a Match Report here: Presidents Invitation Match Report 22 January2023.

Ian Hulley, our Match Secretary, has produced Result sheet and scoring and this is to be found here:  Result Sheet SADBA v PRESIDENTS INVITATION 22 January 2023



We had a special match on Wednesday 21st September in Memory of Noel Roberts from Harpenden who sadly passed away before he could take up the role of President of Herts Bowls this year.  The match was against Hert Bowls Vice Presidents at Harpenden Bowls Club.

District Officers playing were Ian Hulley, Michael Scandrett & David Salmon. The host for the day was Michael Woodhams, the District Secretary & Past President.  For Herts the Officers playing were Tommy Phipps, Senior Vice-President, and Tony Redford.

Colts badges were presented to Geoff Johns & Dennis Paddison and a Life Membership medal was presented to Jim Terry for Service to the Association.

Although the County team won convincingly (SADBA 94 Hertfordshire Bowls 124) we did have a top rink consisting Martin Barson, Kevin O’Brien, Roy Polley and Mike Scandrett.

The Association donated £100 from its Benevolent Fund and, with profits from the raffle and the spider, a sum of £376.70 will be sent to the Devon Air Ambulance Service in Memory of Noel Roberts RIP.     On the Day the County also paid from part of their match fees £96 plus other monies that they had collected.

It was a great afternoon enjoyed by all and the sun shone.  The Green played very well and there was plenty of good natured banter across the Green, some good bowling – and a few lucky wicks!  It was rounded off by an excellent meal provided by the Ladies of Harpenden BC who including Lyn Roberts and her daughter.

Thank You to everyone.   Everyone was a winner:  The District, The County, Harpenden BC and the Charity chosen by Noels’ Family in his memory.

M J Woodhams, Secretary