CHARITY GALA – 6th September 2022

Once again some 24 mixed triples teams from the District Clubs met to play in the Annual Charity Gala for the coverted Strofton Trophy, this year held at North Mymms.

The day started off well in dry weather but later  was punctuated with a few heavy showers, but this not dampen spirits.  Great sportsmanship and bowling on the day gave a close result with the honours going to John Bell, Jackie Bell and Barry Woodham team (from Batchwood) (pictured below) with 52 points, with two Hatfield teams close behind led by Richard Lush (50) and Peter Crouch (48).  A full list of the results is here: SADBA GALA 2022 Final Positions.

Well done to all and a special thank you to the generosity of the bowlers and visitors.  From the spider, cakes sales, doantions and the raflfle some £750 was raised for the President’s Charity Dementia UK. A great result.

The short video below taken at the start of the Spider was taken by Tracy Woods of North Mymms.  Other pictures will be added as they become available.



SADBA Finals this year were held in the week commencing 29 August to 3rd September.  There were three Finals Sessions:  The Bob Vise Trophy (29th August), the Jones Cup (2nd September) and all other Competitions and Triples League (on 3rd September).

Photographs from each session are below.  You may if you wish download and save individual pictures.  Clicking on an image will also open the selected group into a gallery.  Each picture then has a caption and with tabs to enable left and right scrolling.


Pictures are courtesy of Clyde Martindill of Townsend.



Most pictures from Finals Day were provided by Kevin O’Brien of North Mymms.

FINAL WEEK 2022 – FINALS DAY 3rd September


Details of Finals Day winners can be found here.

Saturday 3rd September saw our main Finals day for the 2022 season.  We began in very warm and bright sunshine which lasted all day till we had a very heavy shower in the early afternoon but after half an hour play resumed sunshine right to the end.  The rain could not dampen the spirits of the players or supporters.  Once again we were treated to some fantastic bowling and very even closely contested Finals all day. Many not being decided till the last end and indeed two only with their last wood bowled up the Green.

A great day bowling all played in a very friendly and sporting spirit enjoyed by the many supporters who came and went all day in support of their own club members and the fine bowling shown by their opponents too.  Thank you to all at North Mymms for all their hard work and efforts to make the day such a success.

Thanks also go to the Umpires Brian Burfoot and John Bartlett,  and the markers Peter Stokes and Mick Brennan in marking the two fantastic singles Finals.

Those present helped to raise £65 for the Presidents Charity Dementia UK.  We have already sent them £1200.00 and this will help towards the second amount we will send to them in January next year.

The quality of the bowling was fantastic-the sportsmanship by all was great and the enthusiasm and support of the spectators was great.  Thanks to everyone on behalf of Michael Scandrett and myself Michael Woodhams. It makes all the many hours spent running all the competitions
throughout the summer well worth it. 2022 is nearly over and we begin to plan and prepare for 2023.

M J Woodhams, Secretary, 3rd September 2022



Friday evening, 2nd September, was the second of our Finals 2022 dates,  with two Clubs playing for the Jones up.

We began in bright sunshine and ended in the dark which descended so quickly    It was a great match between two strong sporting sides: Welwyn & District and Welwyn Garden City.   In the end Welwyn Garden City ended out on top.

Well done to both sides for the quality of the bowling.




We have a special match on Wednesday 21st September in Memorial of Noel Roberts from Harpenden who sadly passed away before he could take up the role of President of Herts Bowls.  The match is against Hert Bowls Past Presidents at Harpenden Bowls Club.  The team Selection Sheet for this match is available here:  MATCH SELECTION  ROBERTS MEMORIAL  21 Sept 2022

The match against the St Albans & District Ladies Bowling Association was held on Saturday 9th July at Potters Bar BC.   It was a lovely sunny morning and the match was played on an excellent green.  After last year’s defeat by the Ladies, SADBA turned the tables to take the honours.  Ian Hulley has done a Match Report which is here: Result Sheet SADBA v SADLBA 09-07-2022

The SADBA match against the President’s own club was held in the afternoon of Thursday 23rd June at North Mymms Bowls Club, with North Mymms taking the honours by only 8 points.  Here is the Match Report:  Result Sheet SADBA v NM (PRES OWN CLUB) 23-06-2022

The first of the SADBA outdoor matches this summer  against London Scottish at Shire Park was on Saturday 14th May and resulted in a win for the District.  The match report can be found here.